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Another great piece from @KDonhoops over at yahoo! sports, this time focusing on something we’ve talked about quite a bit, the Milwaukee Bucks falling backwards into this disastrous season and calling it a strategy. Continue reading
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Another great piece from @KDonhoops over at yahoo! sports, this time focusing on something we’ve talked about quite a bit, the Milwaukee Bucks falling backwards into this disastrous season and calling it a strategy. Continue reading
Photo : NBA
Kelly Dwyer has written another solid piece on the Milwaukee Bucks in his regular Ball Don’t Lie column over at yahoo! Sports. This one isn’t directly about saveourbucks.com but covers many topics that SOB is all about – including Larry Drew’s role and frustration levels with his team, GM John Hammond’s failings, and the general failure and impatience of the Milwaukee Bucks front office that has led to the catastrophic current Bucks outfit. Continue reading
SaveOurBucks.com has been online now for just over a month. In that time we’ve been fortunate to have coverage from Kelly Dwyer (Yahoo), Bill Simmons (ESPN/Grantland), Matt Moore (CBS), USA Today, Deadspin, The Sporting News, Darren Rovell, The Dan Patrick Show, Fox 6, WTMJ 4, WISN 12 and CBS 58 among others. However, it wasn’t until the other day that we received coverage from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (MJS), the local newspaper of record here in Milwaukee.
You can read the article by Don Walker here. We think the article was well-written and conveys our “tough love” approach as it relates to the organization. There is one point to clarify though. In the article, Walker refers to “a mystery man funding the operation…” There really isn’t a “funder” here for operations, as the costs of creating a website are minimal, and are graciously being donated by our talented webmaster. Continue reading
Writing his regular Ball Don’t Lie column on yahoo! Sports recently Kelly Dwyer (@KDonhoops) heaped praise on saveourbucks.com. Speaking about some disgruntled Cavs fans taking to booing struggling #1 pick Anthony Bennett, Dwyer wrote in part :
“SaveOurBucks.com details at length the many reasons why the Milwaukee Bucks have remained a disappointingly mediocre team through the years, but it also details possible solutions, while crediting the team owner for going out of his way to keep the team in Milwaukee. It offers cogent solutions, it’s nuanced, it’s clearly well-researched and intelligent, but it’s also as passionate and frustrated as a high volume “boo”.
And that’s aimed at a franchise, full of well-meaning professional executives, coaches and players. You may not agree with some of their decisions, but the Bucks can handle it. Even while being told that they’re the reason the team needs saving.”
We appreciate the kind words and several Bucks fans told him so via twitter, one of which he responded to with the following :
@tpcourier @PaulSCousins Cheers. I wish it were under different circumstance, but it’s such a smart, well put-together site.
— Kelly Dwyer (@KDonhoops) November 22, 2013
Give him a follow people, and don’t forget to read the full article.